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brand coaching


Like a step above DIY level, these coaching packages are for motivated entrepreneurs new to business who are ready to get their hands dirty, do the work, but would like professional guidance to help pull it all together.

what to expect


doing the groundwork

This is where we discuss all the biz basics to make sure we're creating a strategy that works for you. Some biggies will include going over:

  • Pricing & Packages so the decision to buy  is easy

  • FEEEEELINGS that your ideal client is dealing with that drives them to buy

  • Key Points to narrow down and repeat so you have a tight messaging system


basics of branding

I'll teach you the difference between the choices a professional designer makes and the free or affordable template assets from Canva or the like. Things like...

  • Creating a Unique Look that becomes recognizeable

  • Finding a Look That Fits both you and how your audience expects you to look

  • Easy Easy DIY Tips so you're empowered to keep moving forward on your own independently


effective messaging

At the end of the day, content is King. Once you've hooked people with visuals, what you say is what closes the deal, so we'll work on things like...

  • Brand Story (this is the authentic part)

  • Pain Points that keep your ideal client up at night

  • Transformation they hope to see by investing in your product, service, or offering


pulling it all together

Once you've got all the groundwork done, we'll plop it all into whatever collateral makes most sense for you. In the group we'll go over...

  • A Plug & Play System to plop all the work you just did into a landing page, social media strategy, and more.

  • Marketing Funnels that are simple but effective for you

  • Partnerships + Networking methods to keep it going and growing



So excited to be here and all your help within an hour of meeting you! WOW! Your article about starting helped me immensely! I got my funnel done today! And my website!

what clients say


Tropical Leaves

To get the process started, take our Branding Questionnaire – a quick and easy way of assessing compatibility.

ready to rebrand?


– 1 x hour sessions over Zoom or Phone

– continue at your pace

– best suited for 0-3 years in business


– assigned homework
– PDF of notes reviewing call
– does not include design



for all 4 sessions or $175 per session

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